Upgrading An Old Rails Rails 2.1.1 to 3.1 on Heroku
I recently had to upgrade an old app and it went pretty smoothly so I thought I’d share how I did it.
I thought about two approaches to this upgrade
- I could slowly add modernity to the existing app by adding bundler, upgrading rails, upgrading rspec, etc.
- I could create a new Rails 3.1 project and copy the code and specs into this new project.
I downloaded the old code and immediately remembered the pain of getting an app up and running without bundler. This convinced me that #1 would be harder than it needed to be so I decided to go with approach #2. It worked out pretty well so I’m going to share exactly what I did.
Create a new Rails 3.1 project
$ rails new waywework
create README
create Rakefile
# and a lot more...
run bundle install
Fetching source index for http://rubygems.org/
Using rake (0.9.2)
# and a lot more...
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Add gems from my app
Because the old app comes from the days before bundler I had to look in config/environment.rb
for lines like config.gem 'atom'
and guess what else I needed (I knew I was using rspec).
gem 'atom'
group :development, :test do
gem "rspec-rails"
gem "factory_girl_rails"
gem "haml-rails"
gem 'faker'
Now we can make sure our empty app works (even though it does nothing)
$ cd waywework
$ rails g rspec:install
create .rspec
create spec
create spec/spec_helper.rb
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake
No examples matching ./spec/**/*_spec.rb could be found
Add our existing code and specs
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/app/controllers/* app/controllers
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/app/models/* app/models
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/app/helpers/* app/helpers
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/app/views/* app/views
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/db/migrate db
$ mv spec/spec_helper.rb new_spec_helper.rb
$ cp -r ~/old_waywework/spec/* spec
$ mv new_spec_helper.rb spec/spec_helper.rb
Now when we try to run the specs it tells us we have pending migrations so we run them
$ rake
You have 5 pending migrations:
20081022162743 CreateFeeds
20081022162832 CreatePosts
20081031025747 IndexPublishedInPosts
20081031143453 IndexFeedAuthor
20081103143931 PublishedAsDatetime
$ rake db:migrate
== CreateFeeds: migrating ====================================================
-- create_table(:feeds)
-> 0.0025s
== CreateFeeds: migrated (0.0026s) ===========================================
== CreatePosts: migrating ====================================================
-- create_table(:posts)
-> 0.0021s
== CreatePosts: migrated (0.0023s) ===========================================
== IndexPublishedInPosts: migrating ==========================================
-- add_index(:posts, [:published, :feed_id])
-> 0.0015s
== IndexPublishedInPosts: migrated (0.0017s) =================================
== IndexFeedAuthor: migrating ================================================
-- add_index(:feeds, :author)
-> 0.0007s
== IndexFeedAuthor: migrated (0.0008s) =======================================
== PublishedAsDatetime: migrating ============================================
-- change_column(:posts, :published, :datetime)
-> 0.0086s
-- add_column(:posts, :updated, :datetime)
-> 0.0006s
== PublishedAsDatetime: migrated (0.0094s) ===================================
$ rake
in `method_missing': undefined method `named_scope' for #<Class:0x103875b28> (NoMethodError)
Now we’re getting some errors and are ready to get to work.
Update our code
Of course it doesn’t just work and we need to make a number of changes. The guides include an upgrade process section and the rails_upgrade plugin can help identify problems. Here are the ones I found.
Changing named_scope
to scope
With Rails 3 the syntax for scopes changed from named_scope
to scope
. So we search-and-replace in our models.
Once we do this the specs run, but many are failing. A lot are failing because the routes.rb
syntax changed in Rails 3.
RAILS_ROOT => Rails.root
The constant RAILS_ROOT no longer exists so we need to search-and-replace that with Rails.root.
# OLD config/routes.rb
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.posts_by_author 'author/:id', :controller=>'posts', :action=>'by_author'
map.posts_by_month 'month/:year/:month', :controller=>'posts', :action=>'by_month'
map.atom_feed '/atom', :controller => "posts", :action=>'index', :format=>'atom'
map.resources :feeds
map.root :controller => "posts"
We change it to:
# NEW config/routes.rb
WayWeWork::Application.routes.draw do
match 'author/:id' =>'posts#by_author', :as => :posts_by_author
match 'month/:year/:month' =>'posts#by_month', :as => :posts_by_month
match '/atom' => 'posts#index', :as => :atom_feed, :format => :atom
resources :feeds
root :to => 'posts#index'
RSpec Routing Specs
We have a bunch of routing specs that are failing because RSpec changed the syntax around routing specs.
# OLD spec/controllers/feeds_routing_spec.rb
it "should map #index" do
route_for(:controller => "feeds", :action => "index").should == "/feeds"
it "should generate params for #index" do
params_from(:get, "/feeds").should == {:controller => "feeds", :action => "index"}
The routing spec must be in folder called routing
# NEW spec/feeds_routing_spec.rb
it "should generate params for #index" do
get("/feeds").should route_to('feeds#index')
RSpec stub!
Another syntax change in RSpec from using stubs
to stub!
it 'should ...' do
We get an error undefined method 'stubs' for \#<Feed:0x105d572e8>
it 'should ...' do
View Specs
Hmm I’m surprised I had written view specs. Nowadays I would write cucumber features and never write view specs. That being said there were a few things I needed to change to get the view specs passing, all related to RSpec syntax changes.
I was passing @ variables to the view with assigns[:feed] = @feed = stub_model(Feed)
and today you need to do that with assign(:feed, @feed = stub_model(Feed)
Also when you call render "/feeds/edit.html.erb"
it used to work but now tries to render a partial. Plain old render
will work as long as you’ve put
the filename in your describe like describe "/feeds/edit.html.erb" do
Deploying to Heroku
The old app was deployed to a VPS using Capistrano. Today I prefer to use Heroku and there were a few changes I had to make to get it working there.
- Add
to my Gemfile to support Postgresql - Configure assets (since we cannot write to the filesystem)
** Added
config.assets.compile = true
in my production.rb ** Addedtherubyracer
to my Gemfile - Delete my old
Now I was able to deploy to heroku and the new app is up and running. All this done in less than a day!